Just yesterday I had two positive encounters in the space of half an hour which left me feeling great! If it weren't for the Falcon** that almost rammed me on my drive home, it would've been a perfect lunchtime excursion.
Sadly, folks, my today has been less happy. The best I can sum it up is this:
Should you feel disappointed if someone's actions, reactions or even lack of actions indicate to you a failing of yourself or reveal a truth that you may not have wanted to know, or should you just be glad to be rid of that delusion?
Is the pain of that truth worthwhile pain? Should it be suffered with reminder of the overall good it achieves? Should it even hurt, since it may be doing you a favour?
And to make sure this ends on a happier note, here's a funny image, courtesy of Imogen:

*okay, I lied, there are no hamburgers
**the car, not the bird
P.S. - Oh yeah, I'm coming to Adelaide tomorrow for a week. I even have a gig on the 11th, which you should all come to.
* There were many disparate elements in your post, and 'BLUIERHLIEEEEML:!!!' seemed to be the most concise response. To break that down:
I am happy that you are coming to visit us.
If you furnish me with mjore information about said gig, I will do my utmost to attend
You use too many asterisks. Brackets are feeling neglected.
That image makes me sad on some deep subliminal level I can't explain.
The worst thing about the above comment is that, when we question Andrew about it, he'll deny alcohol played any part at all...
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