Now, some of you might have some questions about this, and I propose that Jono should field them. After all, it was his idea originally.
There's another reason to direct your enquiries Jonowards. I'll be at the Byron Bay Blues and Roots Festival from tomorrow until mid next week. To which end: I want to see contributions from everyone up on this blog when I return. George has to post twice.
One final bit of housekeeping - for the (two) people who might care, I've posted an answer to the grammar problem I posed a couple of posts back. It's in the comments to that post.
As they say in Mexico, sayounara.
that was one of the least offensive posts on this blog!
have a good trip! you're going to miss toms poker/party night on Friday though...
This time i will expect 'cookies' when you come back :o)
...And with that comment, Andrew's aspirations of becoming a High Court Justice were finally crushed.
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