I wore our Lord to work today and over a pint said colleague asked if I could furnish everyone with a description of His nature. 'With gladness,' said I. 'Brown Jesus hails from San Francisco, and he advocates having a happy, chilled out time and not harshing anyone else's buzz. He is generally accepting of other people's viewpoints, and tends to sulk every time there is a holy war.'
'Aha!' cried my colleague, as if he had sprung from a Roald Dahl short story. 'Brown Jesus sounds like he is a Buddhist!'
At the time, all I could do was reluctantly concur. After more thought, I'd respond that tolerance was Brown Jesus' thing first, and the Buddhists infringed his patent.
An interesting point but I was always of the opinion that Brown Jesus transcended all lines of organised religion.
I always found the good fellow to be one who would not constrict his followers with boundaries. There is no word or name to sum up his ways in my opinion Brown Jesus just simply exists and those who follow him are free to practice their faith however they see fit to do so.
Wise words indeed.
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