Monday, February 26, 2007

A Quickie

Not too much time to write anything write now, but I thought I'd share an interesting little tidbit that I discovered with you all. If you happen to visit the Liberal Party of Australia website, and select "Our Achievements" from the "About the Liberal Party" menu item, it'll take you to a list of the achievements of various Liberal governments, from Menzies to Fraser.

On that page, it won't actually contain any of John Howard's achievements, but will rather invite you to click on a separate link at the bottom of the page to see what the current Coalition has managed to achieve. Well, I had a click, and was fairly surprised. Why don't you have a look too?


Andrew said...

We would be more inclined to if you posted a link to the specific page you want us to look at...

Andrew said...

Hehe. That's sweet.

Andrew said...

Dude, they've fixed it up. Apparently a few of the left-leaning blogs noticed the same thing you did...